Naughty Librarians FTW

I recently acquired some new drawing pencils and to break them in I did this drawing of my character from the Call of C’thulhu RPG which I haven’t played in a long time, but drawing tentacles is always fun. I tend to get in a Lovecraft mood as the summer starts to die, the wind gusts fitfully and the crows call from the pine trees…

My character is a naughty librarian who runs a speak-easy in the library basement after hours.

 If you should need a character (or most anything else for that matter) illustrated, contact me — my rates are reasonable! 🙂

I hope everyone has a quiet, Elder-God-Free September!

“Autumn… The year’s last, lovliest smile.”

~ John Howard Bryant, Poet Politician

One Response to “Naughty Librarians FTW”

  1. Yes, I do believe you fit the Evil Librarian character. I love autumn too. Bring on the cooler temperatures, golden sunsets and colorful leaves. 🙂

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